Scientific School
Topographic Internal Waves
  Cargèse (Corsica), France, November 2-11, 2010

Application Form

Please fill out this application form and submit it by e-mail or fax to the secretary of the school, Mrs Champavier (see address below).
You may also edit this page, fill it out and send it by e-mail to  
Deadline for application is 30 June 2010.

Recommendation letters are not required if you only apply for admission to the school, but they are necessary if you also apply for financial support.

General information

Title (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.): __________________

First Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Family Name: __________________________________________________________________

Nationality: ___________________________________________________

Age: _____________

Gender (M/F): _____________

Institution Name and Address: ___________________________________________________




Address for reply: ______________________________________________________________



Reply phone number: ____________________________

Reply FAX number: ____________________________

Reply Email address: __________________________________________________

Your research activity

Present position and field of research: ______________________________________________





Short Curriculum Vitae (including graduate and undergraduate education)________________








References of published or accepted works _________________________________________




Names and institutions of two referees _______________________




What benefits do you expect from attending the school?







I agree to share my appartment :            YES                NO     

If you agree, you may indicate the name of a room-mate : __________________________________

Do you have special needs (food, etc.) ? __________________________________

Financial support (i.e. registration fees waiving)

Do you need a financial support from the school?  _________________

If yes, please provide motivations for your financial support request





If you apply for financial support, two recommendation letters should be sent by referees. These lettters
should be sent directly to the secretary by the deadline.

If you need more information, please contact the secretary of the school:

Mrs Sylvie Champavier
Cargèse Scientific School
38041 Grenoble cédex 9

Fax : +33-4-76825271